Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Few Things Make Me Smile

Fabric shopping!

The most adorable buttons I just had to get on my way out of the fabric store.  It was actually more adorable to hear my 3 year old daughter look at them and say, "You guys look.  These buttons are so adorable."  Soooo cute.

This sleeping babe in a mama made suit.  Uhm...yeah...I think it's safe to say that I like brown.  You think?

Little guys that make their own book marks. 

These guys teaching themselves something new and loving it.

Big brothers happily helping little sisters.  I just love this.

What's making you smile today?



  1. Oh, that gray bird fabric is lovely. It will be great in whatever form it takes on.

  2. Oh, that gray bird fabric is lovely. It will be great in whatever form it takes on.
